XTR test runner installation


  1. Install Python: Follow these steps to install Python correctly: Installing Python.


  • The provided installation guide uses Python 3.9 as an example. However, XTR requires Python 3.10 or 3.11.

  1. Create a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with previous XTR versions that may be installed on your machine.

    Python -m venv xtr-install
  2. Activate virtual environment.

  3. Install XTR using this command:

    pip install te-xtr[mtfconnector] --extra-index-url https://nexus.technica-engineering.net/repository/pypi-public/simple


  • ‘te-xtr’ is the name of the new version of XTR.

  • [mtfconnector] is to install all MTF dependencies be able to create a project using MTF.