Monitor Signals

Monitors a list of signals during a timeout and asserts that all the signals’ values are equal to the expected values.

Arguments Description

paths (list[str]): The list of signals paths to be monitored. Each path should be in the format: BusName::MsgId::SignalName.

values (list[int]): The list of expected values for each corresponding signal in the paths argument.

Timeout (int): The timeout in milliseconds. The function will wait for the specified time to check if the signals’ values match the expected values.

Masks (list[int]): The list of masks to be applied to each signal’s value. Masks are used to ignore specific bits during the comparison.

comparison (list[int]): The list of comparison operations for each signal. Each number value corresponds to a comparison operation:

0: Equal (==) 1: Greater than or equal (>=) 2: Greater than (>) 3: Less than or equal (<=) 4: Less than (<) 5: Not equal (!=)


bool: True if all signals values match the expected values within the given timeout; otherwise, False.


${paths} = Create List ${BusName1}::${MsgId1}::${SignalName1} ${BusName2}::${MsgId2}::${SignalName2}
${values} = Create List ${2} ${1}
${comparison} = Create List ${0} ${2}
Monitor Signals ${paths} ${values} ${1000} ${Masks} ${comparison}