
class mtf.utils.eth_filters.get_mtf_filter.FilterProcessor

Creates an object from user dict

static get_tecmp_types(key, value)
static get_cmp_types(key, value)

Converts message types or payload types from string representation to enum values.

=== Arguments Description ===

*key * (str): The type of key to be converted.

*value * (str/list): The value(s) to be converted.

=== Returns ===

tuple: A tuple containing the key and the converted value(s).

static patch_types(key, value, filter_type: type | None = None) tuple

Converts message types or payload types from string representation to enum values.

=== Arguments Description ===

*key * (str): The type of key to be converted.

*value * (str/list): The value(s) to be converted.

*filter_type * (type, optional): The type of filter to be applied

=== Returns ===

tuple: A tuple containing the key and the converted value.