Send Subscribe Event Group

Sends someipsd msg in order to subscribe to an event group

Arguments Description

bus_name (str): specifies the adapter name. The format should be like: ETH-VIRTUAL-DEMO

srcip (str): ip address of the sender

srcport (int): Sender port.

desip (str): ip address of the receiver

desport (int): receiver port.

payload (list[int]): [service_id, instance_id, event_group_id, ttl, major_version ]

service_id (int): Identifier of the service sought.

instance_id (int): Identifier of the service instance that includes the event group used for subscription.

event_group_id (int): Selected event group ID

ttl (int): TTL of the Subscribe message.

major_version (int): Major version of the service


bool: true if the msg has been sended. False otherwise.


|${payload} = Create List ${0x03} ${0x01} ${0x01} ${0x01} ${0x01} | Send subscribe Event Group ${bus_name} ${srcip} ${srcport} ${desip} ${desport} ${payload}