Control Someip Method Response

Controls the someip method response: enables/disables setting the method response

by the value of the method request.

Arguments Description

method_path (str): The identifier of the method in the formats :


method_input_member (str): The input parameter for the method response in the format


method_return_member (str): The return parameter for the method response in the format


on_off (bool): A boolean value indicating whether to stop (False) or

resume (True) sending the response based on input and return values




# Enable method response control based on input and return values.
Control Someip Method Response ${Provider_ECU_Name}::${Service_Id}::${Instance_Id}::${Method_Id} INPUT::method_input_member OUTPUT::method_return_member True
Control Someip Method Response X_Y_Z::0x1013::0x0001::0x1 INPUT::ping OUTPUT::pong True
# Disable method response control:
Control Someip Method Response ${Provider_ECU_Name}::${Service_Id}::${Instance_Id}::${Method_Id} INPUT::method_input_member OUTPUT::method_return_member False
Control Someip Method Response X_Y_Z::0x1013::0x0001::0x1 INPUT::ping OUTPUT::pong False