Create a test fixture file


A test fixture file contains a class similar to ‘TestBase’ class (reference in Create a test base file). However, it includes ‘setup’ and ‘teardown’ methods that are called multiple times during the test execution, rather than just at the beginning and end.

You can create test fixtures specific to individual test series within their respective folders, in addition to the global test fixture file ‘’, within the project directory as shown in the Project structure.

The ‘NameTestFixture’ class should follow this format:

‘NameTestFixture’ class template
from Tests.NameTestBase import NameTestBase

class NameTestFixture(TutoTestBase):

    # test fixture precondition, executed before testcase setUp
    def setUpClass(cls):
        pass  # setup logic goes here

    # test fixture cleanup, executed after testcase tearDown
    def tearDownClass(cls):
        pass  # teardown logic goes here

Once the fixture is prepared, you can import it using a relative import into the desired test case and inherit from it.

test fixture import line in the test case file
from .my_project import NameTestFixture