Read XCP

Reads the value of measurement/characteristic saved in memory of ECU at runtime

Arguments Description

channel_name (str): switch the A2L file parsed the channel name could be ETH-OBD

a2l_object (str): the name of measurement/characteristic parsed from the A2l File

ecu_name (str): the ecu name was got from the A2L file e.g.: “/begin MODULE New “, the most used “New”

is_raw_value (bool): by default set to false to read the physical value, otherwise true to read the raw value


Tuple[bool, Any]: The first element of tuple return bool; true if we succeeded to read the xcp object

else false, the second element gets the details about the specified xcp.


${read_xcp}= Read XCP ${ChannelName} ${a2l_object} ${ecu_name}