Mtf Types Module

class mtf.mtf_types.BusEvent
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
property channel_name

channel name

property direction

frame direction

property error_flag

error flags

property frame_id

frame id

property payload

frame payload

property payload_length

pyload length

set_payload(self: mtf.libs.mtf_pybinder.MtfDataFrameEvent, payload: List[int]) None

Set payload (for InterceptListener)

property timestamp

frame timestamp

property timestamp_struct

frame timestamp struct to access further features

class mtf.mtf_types.SerialEvent
__init__(self: mtf.libs.mtf_pybinder.MtfSerialEvent, arg0: str, arg1: int, arg2: str, arg3: int) None
property channel_name
property direction
property message
property timestamp
class mtf.mtf_types.IoEvent
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
property channel_name

channel name

property direction

event direction

property timestamp

ctime stamp

property timestamp_struct

frame timestamp struct to access further features

property value

raw paylaod value

class mtf.mtf_types.NpduElement
__init__(pduid, pdu_index, payload, direction, bus_spec_id, vlan_tci=0)
class mtf.mtf_types.VlanTci

Vlan’s Tag control information. A 16-bit field.

class mtf.mtf_types.NpduListenerElement
__init__(tunnel, timestamp, npdu_element)
class mtf.mtf_types.FlexRayFrameID
__init__(frame_id: int | str)
property SlotId
property Repetition
property Base_Cycle
property Current_Cycle
property flexray_frame_ids
is_matched(fr_msg_id: int)

Checks if the received frame_id with current cycle matches the given frame_id


fr_msg_id (int): The frame ID to be checked.


bool: True if the frame ID is matched in the current cycle, False otherwise.


FlexRayFrameID(“284.0.4”).is_matched(17179869468) # returns True

class mtf.mtf_types.FlexrayBusEvent
__init__(data_frame: BusEvent)
property fr_frameID
property channel_name
property frame_id
property timestamp
property payload
property payload_length
property direction
property error_flag
property timestamp_struct
class mtf.mtf_types.EthernetPacket

Ethernet packet class, to set and get the ethernet packet attributes

__init__(source_ip: str | None = None, destination_ip: str | None = None, source_mac: str | None = None, destination_mac: str | None = None, source_port: str | None = None, destination_port: str | None = None, eth_payload: list[int] | None = None, vlan_code: int | None = None) None
source_ip: str
destination_ip: str
source_mac: str
destination_mac: str
source_port: str
destination_port: str
eth_payload: list[int]
vlan_code: int