Data Utils Module

class mtf.test_utilities.network_utils.data_utils.HandlingDirection

Enumeration for handling direction of bits within bytes.


LeftToRight: Indicates handling bits from left to right. RightToLeft: Indicates handling bits from right to left.

mtf.test_utilities.network_utils.data_utils.find_voids_in_pdu(pdu: ComPdu) list[list[int]]

Identifies voids (empty spaces) within a PDU where no signals are currently defined.


pdu (ComPdu): The PDU object containing signals and byte length information.

List[List[int]]: A 2D list representing the structure of the PDU,

where each sub-list represents a byte and each element within the sub-list represents a bit. A value of 1 indicates that the bit is part of a void, and a value of 0 indicates that the bit is used by a signal.