Eth Bus Listener Module

class mtf.network_port.eth_bus_listener.EthBusListener
__init__(bus_name: str, protocol: ~mtf.proto_common.EthProtocolType | ~mtf.libs.mtf_pybinder.mtf_eth_filter = <mtf_eth_protocol_type.EthernetII: 1>)
register_callback(callback_fnc: Callable[[IEthernetProtocol], None])

callback_fnc – callback function with parameter of type MessageEthernet

Setting a callback
# ...
from andisdk import MessageEthernet
# ...

def eth_listener_callback(msg: MessageEthernet):
    # do things

# ... creating listener 
# register our callback


The callback function should be lightweight without logs. Otherwise, it will reduce the performance dramatically. The object that is passed to callback functions is mutable. So the user must be careful. In case of silent mode, the callback functions will be invoked only when getting the queue.

unregister_callback(callback_fnc: Callable[[IEthernetProtocol], None])

callback_fnc – callback function with parameter of type MessageEthernet

Remove a callback
# ...
from andisdk import MessageEthernet
# ...

def eth_listener_callback(msg: MessageEthernet):
    # do things

# ... creating listener 
# ... do work
# unregister our callback
get_timestamp_queue() list[int]
get_message_queue() list[dict[str, Any]]

Get messages queue :return: :rtype:

get_queue() list[dict[str, Any]]

Get the queue

reset() None

cleanup the queue

start_listening(keep_cache=False, silent_mode: bool = False) bool
stop_listening() bool
start(channel=None, keep_cache=False, silent_mode: bool = False)
adapt_queue_elements() Queue[BaseEvent]

ensure the object.timestamp, object.payload

static __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize a new instance of the ControllerBase.

The instance will be automatically added to the list of controllers.

callback_(data_frame: BusEvent)
classmethod controllers_cleanup()

Clean up all controller instances.

Calls the clean_up() method for each instance.