Ethernet Apply Faulty Corrupt Crc

Applies CRC corruption to an Ethernet message.

This keyword aims to disable/enable the CRC calculation, so the tester can test sending ethernet payload (someip or npdu) with corrupted CRC.

Arguments Description

path (str): Path to the Ethernet message for which CRC corruption is applied.

Format: ECU_Name::ServiceId::InstanceId::MethodID (for Someip). ECU_Name::Npdu_Id::Signal_Name (for Npdu) ECU_Name::Npdu_Name::Signal_Name (for Npdu)

on_off (bool): Determines whether to enable (True) or disable (False) CRC corruption.


bool: True if data corrupted; otherwise, False.


Ethernet Apply Faulty Corrupt Crc ${path} ${on_off}
Ethernet Apply Faulty Corrupt CRC ${EcuName}::${ServiceId}::${InstanceId}::${MethodID} True
Ethernet Apply Faulty Corrupt CRC ${EcuName}::${ServiceId}::${InstanceId}::${MethodID} false