Monitor Happened Eth Network

Monitor Happened over ethernet network.

Arguments Description

path (str)

expectedValue (str)

timeout (int)

comparison (int) EQUAL : 0, >= : 1 , > : 2, <= : 3 , < : 4 , Not EQUAL : 5

mask (int)


bool : True if the value from ethernet network is the same as expected. False otherwise.


${res} = Monitor Happened Eth Network ${EcuName}::${ServiceId}::${InstanceId}::${MessageId}::${MemberName} 1 1000 0 0xFFFFFFFF


If the SomeIP member to be monitored belongs to a dynamic array, then the size of the dynamic array should be set previously using this keyword : Prepare SomeIp Dynamic Length Array ${EcuName}::${ServiceId}::${InstanceId}::${MessageId}::${array_member}::1 size