Create a test series configuration file


The test series configuration file is necessary for XTR to recognize which test cases to execute and the order of the execution. It also contains filtering options based on the test case metadata.

The file is in XML format and can contain the following information:

  • TestSeries: The root element that defines the test series.

    • Attributes:

      • name: The name of the test series.

    • Filters: A section that defines criteria to include or exclude test cases based on their metadata.

      • Filter: Represents a set of conditions that form a filter. You can create multiple filters, and each filter contains at least one condition tag.

        • condition: Defines a single condition for filtering test cases.

          • Attributes:

            • Key: The metadata key name from the test case.

            • value: The metadata value to be filtered.

            • operation: The operation to compare the metadata. Possible values are:

              • CONTAINS: Matches if the metadata value contains the specified string.

              • EQUAL: Matches if the metadata value exactly equals the specified string.

    • Group: A logical group of test cases to be executed.

      • Attributes:

        • name: The name of the group.

      • Test: Represents an individual test case within the group.

        • Attributes:

          • name: The name of the test case.

          • repetition: Specifies how many times the test case should be executed.


There is an OR relationship between Filters and AND relationship between conditions.

Here is the template of the Test series configuration file:

Test series configuration file template
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TestSeries name = "Test_series_name">
            <condition key="key_name" value="value" operation="CONTAINS"/>
            <condition key="key_name" value="value" operation="EQUAL"/>
            <!-- Add more conditions as needed -->
    <Group name = "Group1_name">
        <Test name = "tca_tca_test_case1_name" repetition="1"/>
        <Test name = "tca_tca_test_case2_name" repetition="1"/>
    <Group name = "Group2_name">
        <Test name = "tca_tca_test_case3_name" repetition="1"/>
        <Test name = "tca_tca_test_case4_name" repetition="1"/>

Place in the Project Directory

Make sure to create the test series configuration file at the following standard location: Project_directory/Config/Test_series/Test_series_name.xml.

  • Config: This is the main directory containing configuration files for test benches and test series as well as database files.

  • Test_series: A subdirectory within ‘Config’ where the test series configuration file(s) are located.

  • Test_series_name.xml: The XML test series configuration file.

 |-- Config
 |    |
 |    |-- Test_series
 |    |   |-- Test_series_name.xml <===============================