Set Eth Networks

Sets the signal value of a specific members over someip.

Arguments Description

path List(str): list of several paths

param List(str): list of several parameters


bool: True if there is no problem appearing while executing the function; otherwise, False .


${paths}= Create List ${EcuName1}::${ServiceId1}::${InstanceId1}::${MessageId1}::${MemberName1} ${EcuName2}::${ServiceId2}::${InstanceId2}::${MessageId2}::${MemberName2}
${params}= Create List 1,true 1,false
Set Eth Networks ${paths} ${params}


If the SomeIP member to be set belongs to a dynamic array, then the size of the dynamic array should be set previously using this keywords: Prepare SomeIp Dynamic Length Array ${EcuName}::${ServiceId}::${InstanceId}::${MessageId}::${array_member}::1 size