Monitor Happened Signals Mixed

Checks if all the received values of each specified signal verifies

the comparison operation against the provided values during a timeout. This keyword support Ethernet, Legacy and IO signals.

Arguments Description

signals_paths (list[str]): The list of signals paths.

Each path should be in the format: BusName::MsgId::SignalName.

types (list[int]): The list of signal types.

LegacySignal = 0, EthernetSignal = 1, IOChannelVoltage = 2, IOChannelCurrent = 3, IOChannelDutyCycle = 4, IOChannelFrequency = 5, IOChannelPower = 6

signals_values (list[str]): The list of reference values for the signals.

timeout (int): The timeout in milliseconds for monitoring the signals.

masks (list[int], optional) : Defaults to ${Masks} = Create List ${0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF} ${0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF} …

comparison (list[int], optional): The list of comparison operations. Each operation corresponds to a signal.

Use constants or enums to represent comparison operations (e.g., CompareOperation.EQ.value). | CompareOperation | value | Sign | | EQ | 0 | == | | GE | 1 | >= | | GT | 2 | > | | LE | 3 | <= | | LT | 4 | < | | NE | 5 | != |


bool: True if all received signals values verify the comparaison operation against the reference values

in the same period of time; otherwise, False .


${signals_list} = Create List ${BusName1}::${MsgId1}::${SignalName1} ${BusName2}::${MsgId2}::${SignalName2} ${BusName3}::${MsgId3}::${SignalName3} ${BusName4}::${MsgId4}::${SignalName4}
${types} = Create List ${1} ${1} ${1} ${2}
${ref_values} = Create List 5 5 5 11.5
${comparison} = Create List ${0} ${0} ${0} ${0}
Monitor Happened Signals Mixed ${signals_list} ${types} ${ref_values} ${1000} ${Masks} ${comparison}