Check Ethernet Cyclic Repetition

Checks ethernet cyclic repetition : for someip & npdu.

Arguments Description

path (str): the path of the message to be checked separated by

*cycle* (int): cycle of msg from NK

cycle_deviation (int): tolerance

nb_repetition (int): number of occurance

check_latest_values (bool, optional): check the last repetition_number times messages or check all the

time intervals


bool: True if the message respects the required cycle; otherwise, False.


# Verify the cyclic message repetition of the last 3 received messages.
Check Ethernet Cyclic Repetition ${EcuName}::${ServiceId}::${InstanceId}::${MessageId} ${150} ${10} ${3} ${True}


  • An observer should be started.

  • Please note that the time interval it took for the first message to arrive is not considered in this keyword’s evaluation, Only the time intervals between subsequent messages are taken into account.

  • The behavior of this keyword is influenced by the presence of any buffer clearing between message receptions. If the buffer is cleared during the reception process, it may impact the expected cyclic repetition behavior, potentially leading to error messages or unexpected results. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider the effect of buffer clearing while interpreting the keyword’s output.