Get Network Signals

Gets last received values of signals over CAN, CANFD, LIN and FlexRay.

Arguments Description

paths (list[str]): Each path should be in the format: BusName::MsgId::SignalName.

${paths} = Create List ${BusName1}::${MsgId1}::${SignalName1} ${BusName2}::${MsgId2}::${SignalName2}

is_physical (bool, optional): Argument not yet supported.


list[int]: List of values corresponding to each path. list[list[int]]: When the signal type is ByteFiled.


${paths} = Create List ${BusName1}::${MsgId1}::${SignalName1} ${BusName2}::${MsgId2}::${SignalName2}
${received_value}= Get Network Signals ${paths}