Check Last Or Wait Eth Signal Change

Checks if the last received signal value verifies a comparison operation against an expected value;

otherwise, it waits for a signal value change during timeout.

Arguments Description

path (str)

path for npdu signal: ECU_Name::Npdu_Id::Signal_Name

expectedValue (str): The given value.

timeout (int): The timeout in milliseconds.

comparison (int): Each number value corresponds to comparison sign.

EQUAL : 0, >= : 1 , > : 2, <= : 3 , < : 4 , Not EQUAL : 5

mask (int): The mask applied to the received values during comparison. Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.


boolTrue if the value from the ethernet network verifies the comparison operation against an expected value.

Otherwise, it waits for signal value change during timeout and returns True; else, it returns False.


${res} = Check last Or Wait Eth Signal Change ${Ecuname}::${NpduId}::${SignalName} ${0} ${1000} ${0} ${8192}