Create a test bench configuration file


The test bench configuration file is essential for an MTF project. It is in YAML format and primarily maps logical channels to physical channels, specifying which interface/channel should be used for data reception and transmission. For detailed information on creating the configuration file, refer to the User Manual of MTF Configuration File section.

Place in the Project Directory

Make sure to prepare your test bench configuration file at the following standard location:: ProjectDirectory/Config/Test_bench_config/Test_bench_name/Test_bench_config.yaml

  • Config: This is the main directory containing configuration files for test benches and test series as well as database files.

  • Test_bench_config: A subdirectory within ‘Config’ that contains configuration files for all test benches, if multiple test benches are in use.

  • Test_bench_name: A subdirectory within ‘Test_bench_config’ for the configuration file of a specific test bench.

  • Test_bench_config.yaml: The test bench configuration file (YAML file).

   |-- Config
   |   |-- Test_bench_config
   |       |-- Test_bench_name
   |       |   |-- Test_bench_config.yaml <===============================