Robot project
Project structure
The path schema below shows the recommended project structure:
|-- Keywords
| |-- Project_keywords (optional)
| |-- ...
|-- Test_cases
| |-- Test_Suite1
| |-- Test_Case1.robot
| |-- Test_Case2.robot
| |-- Test_Suite2
| |-- ...
| |-- __init__.robot
|-- Tutorials (optional)
| |-- ...
|-- Test_Configuration
| |-- DUT_configuration (Device Under Test)
| |-- Project_configuration
| |-- Test_bench_configuration
| | |-- Test_bench_Name
| | |-- Test_bench_Config.yaml
| |-- Variable
| |-- values.resource
|-- launch.json
Keywords: series of operations, specified by keywords, that simulates a user action or define a common test logic (test Steps).
Project_keywords: specific keywords and steps (Test logic) per domain.
Test_cases: Robot Test repository split by Test module.
Tutorials: Some Robot data-driven test to define test guideline.
Test_configuration: Needed Test data or Configuration files for test cases execution.
DUT_configuration: Device under test configuration.
Project_configuration: Needed config file for test case creation and execution mode: Simulation configuration, environment config and more.
Test_bench_configuration: Channel mapping and Diag configuration for testBenches needed for test cases execution.
Variable: Needed test Data.