Transmit Frame

Transmits can,lin, ethernet frame on bus and return status as bool.

Arguments Description

bus_name (str): The channel name.

bus_type (str): The bus type as string from the following options CAN, CANFD, LIN, FLEXRAY,ETHERNET = 4,IO =5.

frame_id (Union[str, int]): The frame identifier.

frame_payload (list[int]): list of byte to send.

bit_rate_switch (bool): Enable bit rate switch (only for CAN & CANFD)


bool: True if frame transmitted; otherwise, False.


**| Example 1
${payload} = Create List ${0x40} ${0x10} ${0x00} ${0x04} ${0x00} ${0x00} ${0x80} ${0x00}
Transmit Frame ${bus_name} CAN ${0x123} ${payload}
Example 2
Transmit Frame ${bus_name} CANFD ${0x123} ${payload} ${TRUE}**