Monitor Always Io Signals
- Checks all received values for EACH {channel_path,attribute} from the channels paths during the same timeout
and verifies the comparison operation against the provided signal values.
Arguments Description
- channels_paths (list[str]): The list of channels paths , each path in the format HW::ChannelName or PS::ChannelName
${io_list} = Create List HW::HwsignalName1 PS::HwsignalName2
- attributes_names (list[str]): HW type: it could be: {Voltage, Current, DutyCycle only relevant for
PWM (yaml field –> MeasurementAttribute: PWM), Frequency, Power : relevant only for PS_Channel}
channels_values (list[int]): IOChannels expected values .
timeout (int): A period defined as a parameter in milliseconds.
- comparison (list[int], optional): Defaults to ${comparison} = Create List ${0} ${0} …
CompareOperation | value | Sign |EQ | 0 | == |GE | 1 | >= |GT | 2 | > |LE | 3 | <= |LT | 4 | < |
bool: True if ALL io attributes values match the expected values within the given timeout; otherwise, False.
${io_list} = Create List HW::Term30F1 HW::Term30F2 ${io_types} = Create List Voltage Voltage ${expected_values} = Create List ${9} ${9} ${9} ${comparison} = Create List ${2} ${2} ${2} *${res}= Monitor Always Io Signals ${io_list} ${io_types} ${expected_values} ${1000} ${comparison}
If no value is received during the timeout, the last received io channel signal value will be checked.