Set Slave Response Data
- Sets Lin SLave response based on the received Master request data.
i.e., when we receive the request_map[index], the simulation will send the response with the data response_map[index].
Arguments Description
bus_name (str): Name of LIN bus
nad (int): master request Node Address
request_list (list of lists of int): a list containing the lists of request data.
response_list (list of lists of int): a list containing the lists of response data to be sent.
Nothing to be returned.
${request_data_1}= Create List ${0xB2} ${0x2A} ${0xFF} ${0x7F} ${0xFF} ${0xFF}${request_data_2}= Create List ${0xB2} ${0x2A} ${0xFF} ${0xFF}${request_data}= Create List ${request_data_1} ${request_data_2}${response_data_1}= Create List ${0xF2} ${0xA} ${0x10} ${0x7D} ${0xAB} ${0xBF}${response_data_2}= Create List ${0xF2} ${0x10} ${0x10} ${0x10}${response_data}= Create List ${response_data_1} ${response_data_2}Set Slave Response Data ${bus_name} ${0x08} ${request_data} ${response_data}
request_list & response_list data should start with the Service Identifier (SID) for each data.