Monitor Happened Io Signals

Checks if one of the received values of EACH specified io signal verifies

the comparison operation against the provided values during a timeout.

Arguments Description

channels_paths (List[str]): List of channels paths in the format HW::SignalHwName.

attributes_names (List[str]): List of attributes , it could be: {Voltage, Current, DutyCycle only relevant for

PWM (yaml field –> MeasurementAttribute: PWM), Frequency, Power : relevant only for PS_Channel}

channels_values (List[int]): List of io_signals values.

timeout (int): a period of time defined on ms

comparison (CompareOperation, optional): Defaults to CompareOperation.EQ.
CompareOperation | value | Sign |
EQ | 0 | == |
GE | 1 | >= |
GT | 2 | > |
LE | 3 | <= |
LT | 4 | < |
NE | 5 | != |


bool: True if before the timeout elapses, there is a value among the received IO values

that verifies the comparison operation against the provided values for EACH IOChannel attribute; otherwise, False.
