Start Messager Counter
Starts a message counter for the specified channel and frame ID, monitoring signals and values within set cycle intervals.
Arguments Description
- **channel_name (str): The communication channel (e.g., “CAN”).
frame_id (int): The identifier for the message frame (e.g., 0x01). signals (list[list[str]]): A list of lists containing signal names for each cycle.
Example: [[“pdu1”, “pdu2”], [“pdu1”, “pdu2”]]
- counter_signals (list[str]): List of counter signal names.
Example: [“TotalNumber”, “pduCounter”]
- signal_values (list[list[int]]): A list of lists with values for each signal in each cycle.
Example: [[100, 200], [50, 20]]
- min_cycle (int): Minimum cycle time in milliseconds.
Example: 100
- max_cycle (int): Maximum cycle time in milliseconds.
Example: 110
- counter (int): The counter increment value.
Example: 2**
bool: True if the message counter starts successfully, else False.
${channel_name} = “CAN”${frame_id} = 0x01@{SIGNALS} = [[“signal1”, “signal2”], [“signal1”, “signal2”]]@{SIGNAL_VALUES} = [[100, 200], [50, 20]]${MIN_CYCLE} = 100${MAX_CYCLE} = 110${COUNTER} = 2@{counter_signals} = [“TotalNumberSignal”, “MessageCounterSignal”]${res1} = Start Messager Counter ${channel_name} ${frame_id} @{SIGNALS} @{counter_signals} @{SIGNAL_VALUES} ${MIN_CYCLE} ${MAX_CYCLE} ${COUNTER}
Ensure that the specified channel and frame ID are available before starting the counter.