- class mtf.network_port.eth_message_factory.EthMessageFactory
This class is used to inject an incorrect ethernet message in the traffic.
- eth_messages_factory = {144115188075855872: <bound method 'create_dhcp_message'>, <mtf_eth_protocol_type.ARP: 262144>: <bound method 'create_arp_message'>, <mtf_eth_protocol_type.DOIP: 288230376151711744>: <bound method 'create_doip_message'>, <mtf_eth_protocol_type.NM: 281474976710656>: <bound method 'create_udp_nm_message'>, <mtf_eth_protocol_type.PTP: 64>: <bound method 'create_ptp_message'>, <mtf_eth_protocol_type.SOME_IP: 2251799813685248>: <bound method 'create_someip_message'>, <mtf_eth_protocol_type.SOME_IP_SD: 4503599627370496>: <bound method 'create_someip_sd_message'>, <mtf_eth_protocol_type.UDP: 8589934592>: <bound method 'create_udp_message'>}
- classmethod get_eth_msg(protocol: EthProtocolType)
Get an Ethernet message constructor class based on Ethernet protocol type.
- Args:
protocol (EthProtocolType): Enum value representing the Ethernet protocol type.
- Returns:
Class representing the Ethernet message constructor for the given protocol type.
- static ip_to_int(ip: str)
Converts an IPv4 address to an integer
- Args:
ip (str): IP address in string format
- Returns:
int: Integer representation of the IP address
- convert_to_ethernet_type(value: int)
The method attempts to convert the integer value into an instance of the EtherType enum Args:
value (int)
- Return:
EtherType: instence of class EtherType