Monitor Always Message

Checks if the message with a specific path at a byte index got a specific byte value during a timeout.

Arguments Description

message_path (str): (str): The message path should be in the format: BusName::MsgId. byte_indexs (list[int]): The list of bytes indexes to be checked. byte_values (list[int]): The list of bytes values. byte_masks (list[int]): The list of bytes masks. timeout (int): The timeout. operation (LogicalOperation, optional): If LogicalOperation.ALL(0), then the condition needs to be satisfied by all the received values

of the message since the start of the observer.

If LogicalOperation.ONLY_ONE(1) then the condition needs to be satisfied at least by only one received

value since the start of the observer

Defaults to LogicalOperation.ALL.


bool: True if the message with the specified path at a the chosen byte index has the byte value during the timeout; otherwise, False.


Monitor Always Message ${BusName}::${MsgId} ${byte_indexs} ${byte_values} ${byte_masks} ${timeout}