Topology Parser Module
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.PlotType
An enumeration.
- ReceptionEvent
- TimeDiff
- Variation
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.TopologyGroup
A class to represent a generic group within a topology.
- namestr
The name of the topology group.
- element_listlist
A list of elements that belong to this topology group.
- name: str
- element_list: list
- __init__(name: str, element_list: list) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.PlotXCP
A class to represent an xcp.
- pathstr
The path associated with the xcp.
- recordslist
A list of records for the xcp. Defaults to an empty list.
- path: str
- records: list
- set_records(records)
- __init__(path: str, records: list = <factory>) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.XCPGroup
A class to represent a group of xcps.
- namestr
The name of the xcp group.
- plot_typePlotType
The type of plot associated with the xcp group.
- element_listlist[xcp]
A list of xcps that belong to this xcp group.
- name: str
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.PlotNpdu
A class to represent an NPDU (Network Protocol Data Unit).
- pathstr
The path associated with the NPDU.
- recordslist
A list of records for the NPDU. Defaults to an empty list.
- path: str
- on_change: bool
- records: list
- set_records(records)
- __init__(path: str, on_change: bool, records: list = <factory>) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.NPDUGroup
A class to represent a group of NPDUs.
- namestr
The name of the NPDU group.
- plot_typePlotType
The type of plot associated with the NPDU group.
- element_listlist[Npdu]
A list of NPDUs that belong to this NPDU group.
- name: str
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.PlotIO
A class to represent an io.
- pathstr
The path associated with the io.
- attribute_namestr
The name of the attribute associated with the io.
- recordslist
A list of records for the io. Defaults to an empty list.
- path: str
- attribute_name: str
- on_change: bool
- records: list
- set_records(records)
- __init__(path: str, attribute_name: str, on_change: bool, records: list = <factory>) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.IoGroup
A class to represent a group of ios.
- namestr
The name of the io group.
- plot_typePlotType
The type of plot associated with the io group.
- element_listlist[io]
A list of ios that belong to this io group.
- name: str
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.SomeIPMember
SomeIPMember(path: str, on_change: bool, records: list = <factory>)
- path: str
- on_change: bool
- records: list
- set_records(records)
- __init__(path: str, on_change: bool, records: list = <factory>) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.SomeIPGroup
SomeIPGroup(name: str, element_list: list[mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.SomeIPMember], plot_type: mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.PlotType)
- name: str
- element_list: list[SomeIPMember]
- __init__(name: str, element_list: list[SomeIPMember], plot_type: PlotType) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.PlotSignal
PlotSignal(path: str, on_change: bool, records: list = <factory>)
- path: str
- on_change: bool
- records: list
- set_records(records)
- __init__(path: str, on_change: bool, records: list = <factory>) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.SignalGroup
A class to represent a group of signals within a topology.
- namestr
The name of the signal group.
- element_listlist[Signal]
A list of signals that belong to this signal group.
- name: str
- element_list: list[PlotSignal]
- __init__(name: str, element_list: list[PlotSignal]) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.PlotFrame
PlotFrame(path: str, records: list = <factory>)
- path: str
- records: list
- set_records(records)
- __init__(path: str, records: list = <factory>) None
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.FrameGroup
A class to represent a group of frames within a topology.
- namestr
The name of the frame group.
- plot_typePlotType
The type of plot associated with the frame group (enum).
- element_listlist[Frame]
A list of frames that belong to this frame group.
- name: str
- class mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.PlotTopology
PlotTopology(signal_groups: list[mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.SignalGroup], frame_groups: list[mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.FrameGroup], npdu_groups: list[mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.NPDUGroup], someip_groups: list[mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.SomeIPGroup], io_groups: list[mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.IoGroup], xcp_groups: list[mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.XCPGroup], diag_state: bool)
- signal_groups: list[SignalGroup]
- frame_groups: list[FrameGroup]
- someip_groups: list[SomeIPGroup]
- diag_state: bool
- get_all_signals() list[PlotSignal]
- get_all_someip_members() list[SomeIPMember]
- __init__(signal_groups: list[SignalGroup], frame_groups: list[FrameGroup], npdu_groups: list[NPDUGroup], someip_groups: list[SomeIPGroup], io_groups: list[IoGroup], xcp_groups: list[XCPGroup], diag_state: bool) None
- mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.parse_signal_groups(signal_groups_data: dict) list[SignalGroup]
Parses a list of signal groups from the given data.
- Args:
signal_groups_data (dict): The data containing signal groups to be parsed.
- Returns:
list[SignalGroup]: A list of parsed SignalGroup objects.
- Raises:
ValueError: If the format of the signal groups data is invalid.
- mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.parse_frame_groups(frame_groups_data: dict) list[FrameGroup]
Parses a list of frame groups from the given data.
- Args:
frame_groups_data (dict): The data containing frame groups to be parsed.
- Returns:
list[FrameGroup]: A list of parsed FrameGroup objects.
- Raises:
ValueError: If the format of the frame groups data is invalid or if an invalid plot type is provided.
- mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.parse_npdu_groups(npdu_groups_data: dict) list[NPDUGroup]
Parses a list of npdu groups from the given data. Args:
npdu_groups_data (dict): The data containing npdu groups to be parsed.
- Returns:
list[NPDUGroup]: A list of parsed NPDUGroup objects.
- Raises:
ValueError: If the format of the npdu groups data is invalid or if an invalid plot type is provided.
- mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.parse_someip_groups(someip_groups_data: dict) list[SomeIPGroup]
Parses a list of someip groups from the given data.
- Args:
someip_groups_data (dict): The data containing someip groups to be parsed.
- Returns:
list[SomeIPGroup]: A list of parsed SomeIPGroup objects.
- Raises:
ValueError: If the format of the someip groups data is invalid or if an invalid plot type is provided.
- mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.parse_io_groups(io_groups_data: dict) list[IoGroup]
Parses a list of io groups from the given data.
- Args:
io_groups_data (dict): The data containing io groups to be parsed.
- Returns:
list[IoGroup]: A list of parsed IoGroup objects.
- Raises:
ValueError: If the format of the someip groups data is invalid or if an invalid plot type is provided.
- mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.parse_xcp_groups(xcp_groups_data: dict) list[XCPGroup]
Parses a list of xcp groups from the given data.
- Args:
xcp_groups_data (dict): The data containing xcp groups to be parsed.
- Returns:
list[XCPGroup]: A list of parsed XCPGroup objects.
- Raises:
ValueError: If the format of the someip groups data is invalid or if an invalid plot type is provided.
- mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.prepocess_top_new_way_file(file_path, my_var)
- mtf.test_utilities.new_hil_plotting.topology_parser.parse_topology(topology_data: dict) PlotTopology
Parses the entire topology data into a PlotTopology object.
- Args:
topology_data (dict): The data containing both signal groups and frame groups to be parsed.
- Returns:
PlotTopology: The parsed PlotTopology object containing signal and frame groups.
- Raises:
ValueError: If the input data is not a dictionary or contains invalid keys.