Stop Io Signal Observer

Stops a started io observer on {channel_path,attribute_name} pair,

and returns the received values if the get_values argument is set to True.

Arguments Description

channel_path (str): The channel path should be in one of these formats: HW::HwChannelName or PS::psChannelName.

attribute_name (str): HW type: it could be: { Voltage,

Current, DutyCycle only relevant for PWM (yaml field –> MeasurementAttribute: PWM), Frequency, Power: relevant only for PS_Channel, Resistance, RawValue, ShortCutToVbat, ShortCutToGnd, OpenLoad, LowVoltage}

get_values (bool): True: To get the retrieved values.

False: To get an empty list.


List[Tuple[int, List[int]]]: A list that contains timestamp, AttributeValues pairs.


Stop Io Signal Observer HW::${HwChannelName} Voltage ${True}


An observer should be started on the target channel attribute.