Start Application

Starts MTF application and initializes globals env variables.

Arguments Description

config_file (str): The path to MTF config file.

log_output (str): The path to the folder where MTF will save all the logs.

pdb_path (str, optional): The path to the database to be loaded. Defaults to “”.

In such a case, certain MTF functionalities related to com will not work.

console_log_level (LogLevel, optional): Defines the minimum log level to be used in the console output.

Defaults to LogLevel.INFO. String value is also supported. Possible values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERR, CRITICAL, OFF

pdbx_cli (str, optional): The databex Cli path.

plugins_path (str,optional): The plugin file path.


bool: True if the application started; otherwise, False.


Start Application ${mtf_config} ${DefaultLogPath} ${db_config} ${kwv_ConsoleLogLevel}


Also check the keyword Stop Application.