Serial Controlller Module

class mtf.network_port.serial_controlller.SerialTransmitter
classmethod transmit_message(channel_name: str, message: str)
class mtf.network_port.serial_controlller.SerialListener
__init__(channel_name: str)
get_queue() Queue[SerialEvent]

Get the queue


cleanup the queue

start_listening(silent_mode=False, get_messages_as_string=True) bool
stop_listening() bool
adapt_queue_elements() Queue[BaseEvent]

ensure the object.timestamp, object.payload

callback_(channel_name: str, timestamp: int, message, direction: int)
static __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize a new instance of the ControllerBase.

The instance will be automatically added to the list of controllers.

classmethod controllers_cleanup()

Clean up all controller instances.

Calls the clean_up() method for each instance.