Doip Server Module

class mtf.diag_port.diag_servers.doip_server.DoipRequest

The Doip responses generator.

__init__(payload: bytes, logical_add: bytes | None = None)

DoipRequest constructor.

  • payload – Doip response payload.

  • logical_add – server/ target logical address.

generate_negative_response(nrc: int = 17, data: bytes = b'') bytes

Generate a negative response on a Doip request.

  • nrc – Negative response Code. Defaults to 0x11.

  • data – response data.


doip negative response composed of the Doip header and the uds packet.


Generate the tcp acknowledgement.


The acknowledgement packet

generate_routing_activation_response() bytes

generate the routing activation response.


The routing activation response.

generate_positive_response(data: bytes = b'') bytes

Generate a positive response on a Doip request.


data – response data.


The doip positive response composed of the Doip header and the uds packet.

class mtf.diag_port.diag_servers.doip_server.DoipServer

Doip server

__init__(ip: str, logical_address: int, port: int = 13400, buffer_size: int = 1024, sock_opts: dict | None = None)

Doip server constructor.

  • ip – Doip server ip address.

  • logical_address – Doip server logical address.

  • port – Doip port number. Defaults to 13400.

  • buffer_size – buffer size.

  • sock_opts – Socket options defined in a dictionary. Keys can be either strings (option names, defaulting to SOL_SOCKET level) or tuples (level, option name). Values represent the corresponding option values.

trigger_vehicle_announcement(ip: str, occurrence: int = 1, cycle: int = 0, port: int | None = None, further_action: bytes = b'\x00')

Send the vehicle announcement occurrence times every cycle.

  • ip – The IP address of the receiver (To whom the announcement will be sent).

  • occurrence – The number of attempts to send the vehicle announcement. Defaults to 1.

  • cycle – The Waiting time after each send of the vehicle announcement. Defaults to 0.

  • port – The port number if given. Defaults to None.

  • further_action – Data bytes to be added for the packet. Defaults to b’'.


Configure socket options based on the provided sock_opts dictionary.


Daemon thread that will run in the background of the main program.

property positive_responding: bool

Getter of positive_responding attribute


Start the diagnostic server.


Stop the diagnostic server and close the socket.


Wait for tcp connection with the diagnostic server.

call_back(data: bytes, connection: socket, adrr: str)

The DoipServer callback function. Orchestrate the doip communication.

  • data – Doip request’s data.

  • connection – Doip server socket.

  • adrr – Doip server address.