Generate Load Report

Generates a load report on the executed “DuT” by collecting data from someip .pcap file.

View the cpu load for each executed task and the packet rate of each task executed. If the “DuT” has more than one core, each core will be available in the top navigation bar.

Arguments Description

pcap_filter (str): The filter of the someip pcap file to extract the load on the dut.



# In the [Teardown] section, run the keyword TearDown Testcase or another teardown keyword then use
# Generate Load Report as follows:
[Teardown] Run Keywords TearDown Testcase
AND Generate Load Report ${pcap_filter}


Usually ${pcap_filter} is a the filter udp.dstport == 6576 if the filter changed check on the someip pcap file and enter the new filter.

For more information about running multiple keywords see [ |RobotFrameworkUserGuide#Test setup and teardown]

The keyword should be executed after Teardown like the example above.