Execute Python test case

Execute test case with command line

Basic execution command line

To run test cases with xTR, use the following command-line:


# The path to Results directory.
--output_path Results


# The path to the Framework configuration file (MTF configuration file).
--config config/Test_bench_config/Test_bench_name/Test_bench_config.yaml

# The path to the Database file.
--database config/Databases/database_name.db


# The path to to the XML test series file.
--test_series config/Test_series/Test_series1_name.xml

# The path to Tests directory.
--search_paths Tests
  • xtr The command to run XTR.

  • output_path: The target directory where the reports will be saved.

  • core: The command for framework configuration.

    • config: The path to the Framework configuration file, which is in the case the MTF the test bench configuration file, also known as the channel mapping YAML file.

    • database: The path to the database file.

  • run: The command to start the test execution.

    • test_series: The path to the XML test series file.

    • search_paths: The directories that the Python interpreter should check when searching for modules.

Extra execution commands


The list of ECUs under test.


# The list of ECUs.

# The path to the ECUs configuration file.


The test bench.


# The name of the test bench.

# The path to the test bench config folder.


The extension of the default pytest command.


# The list of extra arguments to be forwarded to pytest as key=value or single values.

# The list of additional plugins to be forwarded to pytest.


The project’s options.


# The list of extra arguments for project.

# A dictionary of extra arguments for project.