Check Cyclic Message With Repetition

DEPRECATED It will be removed in a future version. Please use keyword Check Cyclic Message With A Repetition instead. This keyword will be supported until version TechnicaKeywordsV0.6.0.

Allows to check whether a message is cyclic or not on a specific repetition number with cycle

equal to ${cycle} and with tolerance equal to ${cycle_deviation} Make sure a listener was already started for the target message.

Arguments Description



Check Cyclic Message With Repetition ${channel_name}::${message_id} ${100} ${10} ${3} ${0}
# If message path contains multiple messages, it is possible to check that All messages are cyclic or
# to verifies that at least one is.
# The Last argument is a logical operation:
${0} for ALL
${1} for ONLY_ONE
# Explanation:
# In this example, the keyword will verify the cyclic message repetition of the last 3 received
# messages based on the following criteria:
# * The time interval between the 1st and 2nd message occurrence is 200 milliseconds.
# * The time interval between the 2nd and 3rd message occurrence is also 200 milliseconds.
# N.B : Please note that the time interval it took for the first message to arrive is not considered
# in this keyword’s evaluation.
# Only the time intervals between subsequent messages are taken into account.
# the behavior of this keyword is influenced by the presence of any buffer clearing between message
# receptions.
# If the buffer is cleared during the reception process, it may impact the expected cyclic
# repetition behavior, potentially leading to error messages or unexpected results.
# Therefore, it’s crucial to consider the effect of buffer clearing while interpreting the keyword’s
# output.