Get Mtf Filter Module

class mtf.utils.eth_filters.get_mtf_filter.FilterProcessor

Creates an object from user dict

static get_tecmp_types(key, value)
static get_cmp_types(key, value)

Converts message types or payload types from string representation to enum values.

=== Arguments Description ===

*key * (str): The type of key to be converted.

*value * (str/list): The value(s) to be converted.

=== Returns ===

tuple: A tuple containing the key and the converted value(s).

static patch_types(key, value, filter_type: type | None = None) tuple

Converts message types or payload types from string representation to enum values.

=== Arguments Description ===

*key * (str): The type of key to be converted.

*value * (str/list): The value(s) to be converted.

*filter_type * (type, optional): The type of filter to be applied

=== Returns ===

tuple: A tuple containing the key and the converted value.

mtf.utils.eth_filters.get_mtf_filter.steps_to_create_mtf_filter(user_input: FilterProcessor)

Generate the corresponding class instance and update its attributes

class mtf.utils.eth_filters.get_mtf_filter.InputFilterToMtfWrapper

Get the corresponding mtf filter class name, create an instance from it and update its attribute’s values.

static create_filter_instance(name: str) mtf_eth_filter

Returns the corresponding mtf filter class instance using the imported class above from mtf_binder. The possible mtf filter classes are:

mtf_eth_basic_filter, mtf_ipv4_layer_filter, mtf_tecmp_msg_type, mtf_tecmp_data_type, mtf_data_link_layer_filter, mtf_vlan_filter, mtf_net_layer_filter, mtf_eth_filter_vlan_type, mtf_eth_protocol_type, mtf_eth_tp_layer_filter, mtf_udp_layer_filter, mtf_tcp_layer_filter, mtf_eth_app_layer_filter, mtf_someip_filter, mtf_someipsd_filter, mtf_eth_npdu_filter, mtf_tecmp_filter


mtf class instance

static set_filter_attributes(mtf_filter_instance: mtf_eth_filter, map_attributes_values: dict)

Set the filter attribute values Note: The network layer is a special case; it could be UDP or TCP

static create_multifilter(attributes) mtf_eth_filter
mtf.utils.eth_filters.get_mtf_filter.create_loaded_schema_name(file: str)

Return the file name without its extension It could be any one of : mtf_eth_app_layer_filter | mtf_eth_basic_filter | mtf_eth_npdu_filter | mtf_eth_protocol_type | mtf_eth_tp_layer_filter | mtf_filter_name | mtf_ipv4_layer_filter | mtf_ipv6_layer_filter | mtf_net_layer_filter | mtf_protocol_type_filter |mtf_someip_filter|mtf_tcp_layer_filter | mtf_eth_filter_vlan_type| mtf_tecmp_data_type | mtf_tecmp_msg_type | mtf_tecmp_filter | mtf_vlan_filter | mtf_data_link_layer_filter

class mtf.utils.eth_filters.get_mtf_filter.SchemaLoaderValidator

This class gets all the mtf filter schemas, load them, and validate the given user input for the filter


Read all the json files from the relative path


Load the json schemas and save them

user_schema_dissector(user_input: FilterProcessor)

returns the corresponding schema for the user schema to be used for validation

validate_user_schema(user_input: FilterProcessor)

Validate the user input. The link between user_input and the loaded schema is the ‘filter_name’

mtf.utils.eth_filters.get_mtf_filter.create_ethernet_filter(user_input: FilterProcessor)

Giving the user dict having the ethernet filter values. Returns the mtf filter