Monitor Someip Member Is Received

DEPRECATED It will be removed in a future version. Please use keyword Monitor Someip Message Reception instead. This keyword will be supported until version TechnicaKeywordsV0.19.2.

Checks if the message with message_path is received during the timeout.

Arguments Description

member_path (str): Someip member path (ecuName::serviceId::instanceId::methodId::member)

timeout (int): timeout


bool : True if someip member with member_path is received at least once during the timeout; otherwise, False.


Monitor Someip Member Is Received ${member_path} ${timeout}


  • No observer needs to be started to monitor the signal.

  • If the SomeIP member to be monitored belongs to a dynamic array, then the size of the dynamic array should be set previously using this keyword : Prepare SomeIp Dynamic Length Array ${EcuName}::${ServiceId}::${InstanceId}::${MessageId}::${array_member}::1 size