Start Dhcp Listener

Starts dhcp listener.

Arguments Description

**channel_name (str): The name of dhcp channel

filter (dict, optional): dict of filter to be applied on received dhcp frames, only frames which match

this filter will be stored in the queue.

Example {“type”:0x03, “xid”:0x10e1}

*for syntax you can check the andi sdk documentation *

dhcp_layer_filter (dict, optional): filter to be applied on received frames, only frames which match this

filter will be stored in the queue.

Example {‘udp_header’: {‘port_source’: 10},

‘ipv4_header’: {‘ip_address_source’: ip_add}, ‘ipv4_header’: {‘mac_address_source’: mac_add}}

for syntax you can check the andi sdk documentation

silent_mode (boolean, optional): Flag to choose the listening mode. (Default to True)

When silent_mode = False, both the MTF-Pyapi and MTF-Core callbacks will work. Else When silent_mode = True, only the MTF-Core callback will be activated.**


bool: True if the dhcp listener is started; otherwise, False.


${dhcp_filter}= Create Dictionary type=${0x5} xid=${0x10e1}
${layer0}= Create Dictionary mac_address_source=${mac_add}
${layer1}= Create Dictionary ip_address_source=${ip_add}
${layer2}= Create Dictionary port_source=${10}
${dhcp_layer_filter}= Create Dictionary udp_header=${layer2} ipv4_header=${layer1} ethernet_header=${layer0}
${res}= Start Dhcp Listener ${channel_name} ${dhcp_filter} ${dhcp_layer_filter}


It is highly recommended to set the silent mode to True with high-network traffic.