Python project

Project structure

To run any MTF/XTR test case, you need to create a project with a suitable structure so that XTR can recognize the test case, execute it and generate the best outputs. Investing time in properly setting up your project will bring significant long-term benefits.

Within the Project directory, you need to create the following folders:

  • Config: This folder contains the test bench and the test series configuration files as well as the database files.

  • Tests: This folder is where all the test cases are placed.

  • Results: This folder contains the generated artifacts, including reports, log files and trace files once the execution is complete.

Below is a schema of a basic project:

 |-- .vscode
 |   |-- launch.json
 |-- Config
 |   |-- Test_bench_config
 |       |-- Test_bench_name
 |       |   |-- Test_bench_config.yaml
 |       |
 |       |-- Test_series
 |       |   |-- Test_series1_name.xml
 |       |   |-- Test_series2_name.xml
 |       |
 |       |-- Databases
 |          |--database_name.db
 |-- Tests
 |   |-- Test_series1_name
 |   |   |--
 |   |   |-- (optional)
 |   |   |--
 |   |   |--
 |   |
 |   |-- Test_series2_name
 |   |   |--
 |   |   |-- (optional)
 |   |   |--
 |   |   |--
 |   |
 |   |--
 |   |--
 |   |--
 |-- Results
 |-- config.json

Project files

This is the list of references to the project files pages where you can find descriptions of the files and instructions on how to do create them in a form of template:

  1. Create a XTR configuration JSON file

  2. Create a test base file

  3. Create a test fixture file

  4. Create a test series configuration file

  5. Create a test bench configuration file

  6. Create a file

  7. Create the launch.json file