Get Latest Received IO Signal Values

Gets a list of the last received {channel_path,``’attribute_name``} pair values respecting the buffer size.

Arguments Description

signal_path (str): The signal path should be in the format: HW::SignalHwName. attribute_name (str): HW type: it could be: { Voltage,

Current, DutyCycle: only relevant for PWM (YAML field –> MeasurementAttribute: PWM), Frequency, Power: relevant only for PS_Channel}

buffer_size (int): The buffer size.


List[Tuple[int, int]]: List of tuples.

Each tuple contains the received io value and its timestamp. List[Tuple[/timestamp/, /iovalue/]]


Get Latest Leceived Io Signal Values HW::${SignalHwName} Voltage ${buffer_size}


An io signal observer should be started on the {channel_path,``attribute_name``} pair beforehand.