Get Dlt Collected Frames

Gets collected frames during the listening period respecting the added filter(s).

Arguments Description

channel_name (str): channel name

fibex_file (str, optional): fibex file path, it should be provided in the case of no-verbose DLT.


[DLTFrame]: list of DLTFrame instances DLTFrame instance has the following attributes: with_extended_header: bool

is_msb_format: bool with_ecu_id: bool with_session_id: bool with_time_stamp: bool version_nbr: int msg_counter: in msg_length: int ecu_id: str session_id: int time_stamp: int is_verbose: bool msg_type: MessageType msg_log_info: MessageLogInfo msg_trace_info: MessageTraceInfo msg_bus_info: MessageBusInfo msg_control_info: MessageControleInfo args_nbr: int app_id: str ctx_id: str message_id: str serialised_payload: str arguments: DltArgument signals: dict


${queue}= Get Dlt Collected Frames ${channel_name} ${fibex_path}