License request

We will explain how to access the ServiceDesk to request a license for the MTF Framework and how to manage the license on your computer, either using windows or Linux. Make sure to read the entire page before you begin. Most questions can be answered by reading it thoroughly. If you still have issues, please send your questions to MTF Service Desk (explained in step2). Remember to perform these steps on the machine where to add the license.

Step 1: Determine the required license type

The tool that MTF uses to manage licenses, CodeMeter, offers you two types of licenses:

Dongle license

This license is provided on a USB dongle (extra cost applies). It allows you to use the license on any computer, but it is only active on the computer to which the dongle is attached. This is useful when you need a license without tying it to a single computer. It is also beneficial for Docker machines (as the license can be shared between the host machine and the Docker via the USB), and for computers without internet connection (as they won’t be able to update time certificates).

Digital license

This license is attached to one specific computer. It saves you the cost of the dongle, but can only be used on a single computer. We recommend this license since you don’t have to wait to receive a dongle. IMPORTANT: If the computer is reset to its original state, a new license needs to be issued.


  • If you are an internal user of Technica, you will only need the Cost Center to which the license should be billed.

  • If you are an external customer, you must first place an order for the license at

  • The steps in this document are explained for the digital license. If the order is for a physical dongle, you will receive it with the license.

Step 2: Create the license request file


  1. Install the CodeMeter application to manage the license and use the default settings.

    1. If you are within the Technica network, you can find it in the Technica Self Service Portal.

    2. If you are not within the Technica Network, you can download it from Software for users - Wibu-Systems . This section contains the “CodeMeter User Runtime for Windows”.

  2. Import the following license container into the CodeMeter Control Center application:

    license container:“Universal_Firm_Code_CmActLicense_6000521.WibuCmLif”

  1. Generate the request file to create a license for the computer you are using (note that the license is attached to one computer):

    Step 1
    Step 2


  1. Install the CodeMeter application to manage the license and use the default settings.

    license container:“codemeter_7.51.5429.500_amd64.deb”

    Use the file above or download a similar one from Software for users - Wibu-Systems . This section contains the “CodeMeter User Runtime for Linux”.

    sudo dpkg -i codemeter_7.51.5429.500_amd64.deb
  2. Import the license container using the CodeMeter Control Center application commands.

    license container:“Universal_Firm_Code_CmActLicense_6000521.WibuCmLif”

    cmu --import --file Universal_Firm_Code_CmActLicense_6000521.WibuCmLif
  3. Generate the request file to create a license for the computer you are using (note that the license is attached to one computer). Begin by obtaining the automatically generated serial number for your computer:

    cmu -x
    cmu -s <serial> -c 6000521 -f request.WibuCmRaC

Step 3: Send the request file via ServiceDesk

Once you have the request file, you need to send it to the Support Team via ServiceDesk. In case it is your first time using ServiceDesk, we will explain how to access it first.

Accessing ServiceDesk

The MTF ServiceDesk can be accessed via this Link: MTF Service Desk. Additionally, if you navigate through the main ServiceDesk page of Technica, you will find access available there as well:

You will need to have user credentials in order to access it.

Creating the license request

In the MTF Service Desk page MTF Support - Service project, create a request for “Licensing and billing”:

Fill in all the details:

Once you have received the activation file, you can proceed with the process.

Step 4: Activate the license


  • Once received, import the activation file into your application.

  • After completing these steps, the license should be activated.


  • Once received, import the activation file into your application.

cmu -i -f request.WibuCmRaU
  • After completing these steps, the license should be activated.

Step 5: Validate license is correctly activated

Update Time Certificates

Although the license is activated, it may not be valid if the time has not been verified. The application needs the accuracy of the current machine time with its online server to ensure the license is within its validity period. To perform this validation, you can do it either in the “Update Time Certificates” section within the app, or through the WebAdmin:

Via App

Via the WebAdmin

Via Command Line (for Linux)

cmu --time-update

Check proxy if time update doesn’t work

The update of time certificates may encounter issues if you have a Proxy. Additionally, please verify in the WebAdmin that the Proxy data matches the configuration on your computer:

For Linux, this can be done using the following command:

cmu --set-proxy <ip> --port <port>


For Technica computers, the proxy information can be found in Proxy TE. If the computer is in other location or is a customer’s computer, you need to contact the IT responsible for that place to get the information.