Generated outputs
After executing the test cases, the following three directories are created:
Main directory: Created inside the Results folder, it is named using the date and time of the execution.
Global: A subdirectory within the main folder that contains global test result files including:
global log file: Contains the MTF log.
xtr-main log file: Contains the XTR log.
JUnit(XML) report file contains the status report of the executed test cases in XML format.
HTML report file: Contains general status information about the test cases.
HTML log file: Contains more detailed status information of the executed test cases, including a tree view.
Test: A subdirectory inside the main folder that contains test case-specific output files, specifically MTF output files.
global log file
Below is a snippet of the global log file content, which is the MTF log.
xtr-main log file
Below is a snippet of the xtr-main log file content, which is the XTR log.
JUnit report
HTML report file
HTML log file
MTF output files
When you execute MTF test cases with XTR, both the test runner and MTF itself generate outputs, including log files and traces. Generally, each test case produces its own log file (named LogName.log) within its specific folder. There is also a global log file for the entire test series. Additionally, trace files may be in one of the following formats: Pcap, PcapNg, or ASCII.