Await Vehicle Announcement Message

Receives Vehicle Announcement Message. payload_type = 0x0004

Arguments Description

connection_name (str): Connection names . Defaults take the started DUT.

timeout (integer): The time to wait for receiving a VIS.


tuple: (IP Address of ECU, VehicleAnnouncementMessage object)
The VehicleAnnouncementMessage has the following attributes:

vin logical_address eid gid further_action_required vin_sync_status


# Basic example
Await Vehicle Announcement Message ${connection_name}
# To get a response attribute
${response}= Await Vehicle Announcement Message ${connection_name}
${IP} Set Variable ${response[0]}
${VehicleAnnouncementMessage} Set Variable ${response[1]}
${vin} Set Variable ${}
${logical_address} Set Variable ${VehicleAnnouncementMessage.logical_address}


If timeout==None, the keyword will wait until receiving a VIS.