Start Someip Listener

Starts SOME/IP listener on a given channel.

Arguments Description

**channel (str, optional): name of the channel to listen on

someip_filter (dict, optional): filter to be applied on received frames, only frames which match this

filter will be stored in the queue.

Example {‘someip_header’: {‘service_identifier’: 0x1001,’method_identifier’:0x01,’message_type’:0x02}} Example {‘someip_header’:{‘service_identifier’:0x1234,’method_identifier’:0x1002, ‘message_type’:0x02 },

‘ipv4_header’: {‘ip_address_source’: ‘ip_add’}}

Syntax for someip_header layer keys:

|"someip_header"| |"message_id"| |"service_identifier"| |"method_identifier"| |"request_id"| |"return_code"|

*for syntax you can check the andi sdk documentation *

keep_cache (bool, optional): this is used in case you start the listener multiple times. if true,

then the result from the last start remain in the queue, else the queue will be reset to empty. Defaults to False.

callback_fnc (_type_, optional): callback function

lazy_mode (bool, optional): if true listener will process all the packet in the queue to dissect it before

returning the queue (this mode affect the performance, used only when needed). Defaults to False.

silent_mode (boolean, optional): Flag to choose the listening mode. (Default to False)

When silent_mode = False, both, the MTF-Pyapi and MTF-Core callbacks will work. Else When silent_mode = True, only the MTF-Core callback will be activated.**


bool: True if the listener is started. False otherwise.


${someip}= Create Dictionary ${service_identifier} ${method_identifier} ${message_type}
${filter}= Create Dictionary ${someip_header}
${res}= Start Someip Listener ${channel} ${filter}


It is highly recommended to set the silent mode to True with high-network traffic.