
class mtf.network_port.tls.tls_helpers.AcceptConnection

Object used to accept an incoming TCP connection from a client.

This class listens on a specified hostname and port, accepts a connection from a client, and sets up the necessary configurations for further communication.

__init__(hostname: str, port: int, version: tuple, timeout: float)

Initializes the server-side connection parameters.

  • hostname (str) – The hostname or IP address to bind to for accepting connections.

  • port (int) – The TCP port number to listen on for incoming connections.

  • version (tuple(int, int)) – The protocol version used in the TLS record layer for the initial handshake messages. Defaults to (3, 0).

  • timeout (float) – The timeout in seconds for accepting the connection and subsequent read/write operations. Defaults to 5 seconds.

process(state: ConnectionState)

Listens for and accepts an incoming connection from a client.

This method creates a TCP socket, binds it to the specified hostname and port, and listens for incoming connection requests. Upon accepting a connection, it disables Nagle’s algorithm, wraps the socket in a BufferedSocket for optimized I/O, and sets up a Defragmenter for handling message fragmentation.


state – An object representing the current state of the connection, where the accepted socket and protocol version will be stored.


Cleans up resources such as sockets to prevent resource leaks.


Sets the parameter as the child of the node


the child node


Return iterator with all siblings of node

Return type:



Define object as a command node.


Define object as a command node.


Define object as a command node.