Welcome to ANDi's documentation
ANDi (Automotive Network Diagnoser) is a development, testing and analysis tool which support various bus systems, such as CAN, LIN, FlexRay and Ethernet.
It is also flexible and user-friendly and its environment helps electronic control unit developers with the validation of their ECU 's functions quickly and easily. This accounts for its several features including:
Viewing and logging message data sent and received over Technica Engineering Hardware (MediaGateway, BTS Board, BR-Spy, USB-BR Converter, etc.)
Viewing and logging message data sent and received over Vector Hardware
Viewing and logging network packets sent and received over a live network connection or from a previously captured data file (PCAPS)
Moreover, ANDi offers:
Script-based Test-Environment to create test cases, and test functions, and to emulate ECU's...
Graphical messages generation for previously listed bus systems
Network and PCAP tools
... and a lot more!
- Introduction
- How to use
- Tutorials
- ANDi frequent use cases
- Creating and sending SOME/IP-SD messages
- Creating and sending messages via Drag and Drop
- Receiving packets
- Executing and stopping scripts
- Cyclic procedures using timers
- Cyclic sending of a SOME/IP Event
- Packetized SOME/IP packets
- Sending of Packetized SOME/IP Frames
- Receiving Packetized SOME/IP Frames
- Adding SOME/IP-SD Entries
- SOME/IP-SD with several Entries
- Extracting SOME/IP-SD Entries
- Adding SOME/IP-SD Option
- Extracting SOME/IP-SD Option
- Deserializing Someip packet (payload simple parameters)
- Deserializing Someip packet (payload complex parameters)
- Deserializing Someip packet (payload with array)
- Storing received data to a pcap file
- Creating messages using message_builder
- Accessing properties of different layers
- Message object responding machine
- Handling of Fibex
- Loading Fibex
- Getting consumed and provided services
- Accessing methods, fields, events and eventgroups
- Accessing Input and Output parameters of a method
- Sending diagnose messages
- SOME/IP get_input_param and set_input_param
- Burst Sending
- IEEE1722
- TCP Connections
- LIN Tutorial
- CAN Tutorial
- DHCP Tutorial
- Using SSH Client
- Rest bus simulation scripting API
- Prerequisites
- Creating ECU nodes by Drag and Drop
- ECU Node properties
- Starting and stopping ECU nodes
- Auto fire functionality
- Activating and deactivation services
- Properties of services, methods, events, fields and eventgroups
- Example using trigger() method
- Example using on_value_changed() method
- Example using call() method
- Example using on_method_called() method
- Example using on_receiving() method
- Rest bus simulation User Interface
- Rest bus simulation CAN scripting API
- Rest bus simulation CAN User Interface
- Customize Rest bus simulation behavior
- Using .Net classes
- Programming graphical user interfaces (GUI)
- Integration with other tools
- Using MediaGateway with ANDi
- Using EDIABAS with ANDi
- Using open/close writer functions in scripts
- PTP master example in ANDi scripts
- ICMPv6 example in ANDi scripts
- Using iso tp protocol
- Extracting AUTOSAR PDUs
- Getting Packets Capture Info
- Getting Layer from PLP Packet
- Writing clean scripts
- Using and configuring Series
- UDS test example in ANDi scripts
- E2E Tutorial
- Converters Tutorial
- ANDi frequent use cases
- Scripting API
- Globals
- Helper Modules
- Variable
- Script
- Panel
- Network Adapters
- ChannelBrspy
- ChannelBrspyCAN
- ChannelBts
- ChannelBtsCAN
- ChannelBtsIO
- ChannelBtsLIN
- ChannelCAN
- ChannelEthernet
- ChannelLIN
- ChannelMediaGateway
- ChannelMediaGatewayCAN
- ChannelNewMediaGateway
- ChannelPlp
- ChannelPlpAnalog
- ChannelPlpCan
- ChannelPlpEthernet
- ChannelPlpFlexRay
- ChannelPlpLin
- ChannelPlpSerial
- IChannelAdapter
- Timer
- Databases
- Rest Bus Simulation
- Messages
- MessageARP
- MessageCAN
- MessageDHCP
- MessageDlt
- MessageDoIP
- MessageEthernet
- MessageHSFZ
- MessageHttp
- MessageICMPv4
- MessageICMPv6
- MessageIEEE1722
- MessageIpv4
- MessageIPv6
- MessageLIN
- MessageNM
- MessagePDU
- MessagePTP
- MessageSomeIP
- MessageSomeIPSD
- MessageSRP
- MessageTCP
- MessageTFTP
- MessageTls
- MessageUDP
- Headers
- Enumerations
- AddressingFormat
- AlertDescription
- AlertLevels
- AutoCalculate
- BasePartialNet
- DataDirection
- DataTypeCategory
- DltType
- EcuNmState
- EndPointType
- EntryType
- ErrorCodes
- EtherType
- FrameType
- FunctionalPartialNet
- GatewayType
- HandshakeTypes
- HeaderType
- HSFZCtrlWordMapping
- HSFZServices
- ICMPv4TypeCodes1
- IPProtocol_Type
- IPv4AddresSource
- LinkLayer
- ManagerState
- MessageType
- mode
- Modes
- NetworkProtocols
- Opcodes
- Operation
- OutputStringType
- Protocols
- PtpMessageTypes
- ReturnCode
- TargetType
- TlsCipherSuite
- TlsContentTypes
- TransportProtocols
- TransType
- UdsServices
- Notations
- Display Filter Syntax
- Display Filter Fields
- Comparing Values
- Display Filter comparison operators
- Display Filter Field Types
- Combining Expressions
- Filtering on Signals from protocol
- Fields List
- Fields
- AH protocol (IPv6 Option)
- ARP Protocol
- ASAM-CMP Protocol
- BR-SPY FlexRay
- BR-SPY Common
- BtsDecoder
- BtsEvoDecoder
- CANDecoder
- General Fields (protocol independent)
- DHCP Protocol
- DoIP Protocol
- EmcCanDecoder
- Ethernet Protocol
- Expert Info fields (protocol independent)
- ICMPv4 Protocol
- ICMPv6 Protocol
- IEEE17221 Protocol (IEEE1722 Subtype)
- IEEE1722 Protocol
- IPv4 Protocol
- IPv6 Protocol
- IPv6 Options
- MAAP Protocol (IEEE1722 Subtype)
- Media Gateway Can
- MgFlexRayDecoder
- Exception fields
- Packet Fields
- PDU Transport Protocol
- Post Filter Fields
- PTP Protocol
- SHIM6 Protocol (IPv6 Option)
- Signals
- SOME/IP Protocol
- SOME/IP-SD Protocol
- Frame Fields
- TCP Protocol
- TECMP Protocol
- UDP Protocol
- VLAN Protocol
- Error recognizing CRC signal
- Fire_event function misbehavior
- The function "start_capture", the Traffic Viewer and the PCAP Player aren't able to read pcap files
- Channels configuration lost
- Start capture in scripting environment does nothing
- Receive and receive_list methods doesn't work
- How to import external python modules?
- ANDi is not transmitting frames using Vector devices
- ANDi decodes TCP based messages twice
- ANDi crashes after script's execution
- The script's execution leads to memory leak
- Packet loss detected
- How to migrate to ANDi 1.0