Settings related to scripting environment:
Generate Reports of Test Series Automatically when checked, an excel report containing scripts' execution status will be generated after the execution of a test series, the reports will be placed in the project's folder (default: unchecked).
Script template location path to the default template of new scripts.
Module template location path to the default template of new modules.
Advanced settings grid:
SOME/IP Port Range UDP/TCP messages will be encoded/decoded as SOME/IP messages if the source/destination port is within the range defined in this setting (default: "30491-30499,32491-32499,30501-30599,32501-32599").
PDU Transport Protocol Port Range UDP/TCP messages will be encoded/decoded as PDU messages if the source/destination port is within the range defined in this setting, this setting is modifiable via user input or loaded databases containing PDU messages (default: none).
UDP-NM Node Identifier Position when encoding/decoding UDP-NM, the node identifier will be written/read in the position defined in this setting which can be 0 or 1 (default: "1").
Example: When running the following script:
#Create UDP NM message
udp_nm = message_builder.create_udp_nm_message("sender_channel","receiver_channel")
#Set Node Identifier
udp_nm.source_node = 5
#Set Control Bit Vector
udp_nm.cbv = 10
1) With "UDP-NM Node Identifier Position" set to "1", the script returns:
Array[Byte]((10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
2) With "UDP-NM Node Identifier Position" set to "0", the script returns:
Array[Byte]((5, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
Save Window Layout In Project set whether ANDi's windows layout should be saved in the atp project file (default: "true").
Use Wire Type 4 for SOME/IP TLV when set to true, TLV complex data types will be encoded with wire type set to 4.
Some settings require restarting ANDi to take effect.