Sfa Manager Module

This module contains the SFA python manager for token parsing, loading, erasing, etc.

class mtf.diag_port.sfa.sfa_manager.EcuModes

The values for the different modes the ecu can be in

class mtf.diag_port.sfa.sfa_manager.FeatureId

This class contains all the sub-fields of FeatureID secure token field

__init__(feature_id_bytes: str)
property value

Returns: feature id value

property type

Returns: return feature type

property subtype

Returns: return feature subtype

property no

Returns: return feature app-no

class mtf.diag_port.sfa.sfa_manager.Feature

This class contains all the information related with a feature retrieved from an ECU via discovery

__init__(feature_bytes: str)
property id

Get feature id.


int: feature id.

property status

get feature status


int: feature status.

property validation

Get feature validation.


int: feature validation status.

property token_list

Token objects list parsed from specified folder, matching discovered feature id


list of Token objects

property token_available

Returns True if a Token is available from parsed folder, False otherwise



class mtf.diag_port.sfa.sfa_manager.TokenTimestamp

This class contains a customized timestamp object for the token. In order to be used easily, when retrieving the object as str, the output is the timestamp value in a readable format (Y-m-d H:M:S). The attribute “value” can be used to get the original hexadecimal value.

property value

Raw timestamp value



class mtf.diag_port.sfa.sfa_manager.FeatureSpecificFields

A class to represent a single Feature Specific Field of a token

__init__(token_bytes: str, offset: int)
class mtf.diag_port.sfa.sfa_manager.ValidityCondition

Class to represent the validity condition of the token

__init__(token_bytes: str, offset: int)
class mtf.diag_port.sfa.sfa_manager.Token

This class contains all the relevant fields of a Secure Token


check if token match the provided ecu identifier


check if token match the provided vehicle identifier

match_ecuid_and_vinid(vinid, ecuid)

check if token match the provided ecu and vehicle identifier

property name

token name

property length

token length

token link type

token link to id

property timestamp

token timestamp

property feature_id

feature id

property enable_type

token enable type

property feature_specific_fields

feature specific fields within token raw

property raw

Bytearray with the raw bytes value of the token

class mtf.diag_port.sfa.sfa_manager.SfaManager

This class implements a manager to handle token parsing, use and all the functionality related with sfa coming from TDFNext. this module run correctly only if diag manager was already started and all needed controllers already added.

set_up(token_path: str)

Prepare environment for sfa manager, parse tokens under token_path This method must be called before calling any token related methods :param token_path: path to folder containing tokens :type token_path: str :return: :rtype:

add_ecu(connection_name: str, ecu_id: str | None = None, vin_id: str | None = None)

This function adds an ECU to the list with all its tokens, checks if the tokens are available in the ECU by sending corresponding diagnosis jobs.

  • connection_name * (str): string with the name of the connection as configured

in the diag manager config

  • ecu_id * (str): ECU identifier

  • vin_id * (str): Vehicule Identification Number


True if process was successful, False otherwise


Updates all the features status for an ECU, performing a discovery job


connection_name – string containing the name of the target ecu



This function cleans the ecu list completely



Check for Engineering token status. If Engineering token is Disabled (status == 2) or Expired ( status == 03) we need to generate new tokens

handle_plant_token_status(result, plant_token_status, connection_name, switch_mode_retries)

Check for Plant token status. If Plant token is Disabled (status == 2) or Expired ( status == 03) we need to recover it.

switch_mode(connection_name: str, target_mode: EcuModes, switch_mode_retries: int = 5)

This function set the mode of a target ecu

  • switch_mode_retries (int) – retries to switch ecu mode

  • connection_name – string containing the name of the target ecu

  • target_mode – target EcuModes enum


handle_engineering_mode_switch(connection_name, current_mode, target_mode, switch_mode_retries)

Handle switching to engineering mode.

handle_field_mode_switch(connection_name, current_mode, target_mode, switch_mode_retries)

Handle switching to field mode.

handle_plant_mode_switch(connection_name, current_mode, target_mode, switch_mode_retries)

Handle switching to plant mode.

read_mode(connection_name: str)

This function reads the current mode of the target ecu.


connection_name – string containing the target ecu name


EcuModes value if success, None otherwise

write_token(connection_name: str, feature_id: hex, retries=1)

This function enables a specified feature in the target ECU, using the parsed token available.

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • feature_id – hex number with the desired feature id

  • retries – int value with the number of retries to perform. The manager will start from the oldest

token within that retry window until the newest token available in the list. :return: True if writing process succeeded, False otherwise. Num of tries performed.

write_specific_token(connection_name: str, feature_id: hex, token_index: int) bool

This function enables a specified feature in the target ECU, using the specified token that is selected by the tc

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • feature_id – hex number with the desired feature id

  • token_index – The index of the token in the sfa manager token list that should be used


True if writing process succeeded, False otherwise.

set_feature_status(connection_name: str, feature_id: hex, status: int) bool

This function enable or disable a specific feature based on the status value

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • feature_id – hex number with the desired feature id

  • status – 0 in order to disable the provided feature, 1 in order ro enable it.


True if writing process succeeded, False otherwise.

read_status(connection_name: str, feature_id: hex)

This function reads the current status of a feature in the target ecu.

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • feature_id – hex number with the desired feature id


int in hex format with the status value for the feature, None if process failed

read_sensitive_feature_status(connection_name: str, feature_id: hex)

This function reads the current status of a feature in the target ecu.

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • feature_id – hex number with the desired feature id


int in hex format with the status value for the sensitive feature,

None if process failed

write_sensitive_token(connection_name: str, feature_id: hex, retries=1)

This function enables a specified feature in the target ECU, using the parsed token available.

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • feature_id – hex number with the desired feature id

  • retries – int value with the number of retries to perform.

The manager will start from the oldest token within that retry window until the newest token available in the list. :return: True if writing process succeeded, False otherwise. Num of tries performed.

clear_feature(connection_name: str, feature_id: hex)

This function clears a specified feature in the target ECU. Keep in mind that ENGINEERING mode is needed to clear features.

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • feature_id – hex number with the desired feature id


True if process success, False otherwise

clear_all_features(connection_name: str)

This function clears all the features that have been enabled during the current session for an ecu. Last token to clear is the Engineering mode one, as is needed to set the device in that mode to perform these operations.


connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu


True if process success, False otherwise

clear_all_features_mode(connection_name: str, original_mode)

This function clears all the features that have been enabled during the current session for an ecu. Last token to clear is the Engineering mode one, as is needed to set the device in that mode to perform these operations.

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • original_mode – current Ecu mode


True if process success, False otherwise

fallback_field_mode(connection_name: str, safe_mode=True)

This function sets the ecu back to FIELD mode from ENGINEERING or PLANT mode. If safe_mode parameter is set to False, the function will skip checking if there is at least, one ENG token available to go back to engineering mode if needed for token clearing.

  • connection_name – string with the name of the target ecu

  • safe_mode – boolean to skip ward’s check for ENG tokens


True if process success, False otherwise

property vin_id

return vehicle identifier.


str: vehicule id.

get_vin_id(connection_name: str)

This function retrieves the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) id


connection_name – string containing the name of the target ECU


The entire VIN ID as a string. Returns None if an error occurs or if attempting

to retrieve the VIN ID of the Device Under Test.

property token_list

return available tokens list.


list: list of available tokens.


return ecu identifier for the given connection name.


str: ecu id.