
class mtf.network_port.tls.tls_dtls_config.ProtocolVersion

Enum to represent ProtocolVersion with corresponding Java enum values.

SSL2 = b'\x00\x02'
SSL3 = b'\x03\x00'
TLS10 = b'\x03\x01'
TLS11 = b'\x03\x02'
TLS12 = b'\x03\x03'
TLS13 = b'\x03\x04'
TLS13_DRAFT14 = b'\x7f\x0e'
TLS13_DRAFT15 = b'\x7f\x0f'
TLS13_DRAFT16 = b'\x7f\x10'
TLS13_DRAFT17 = b'\x7f\x11'
TLS13_DRAFT18 = b'\x7f\x12'
TLS13_DRAFT19 = b'\x7f\x13'
TLS13_DRAFT20 = b'\x7f\x14'
TLS13_DRAFT21 = b'\x7f\x15'
TLS13_DRAFT22 = b'\x7f\x16'
TLS13_DRAFT23 = b'\x7f\x17'
TLS13_DRAFT24 = b'\x7f\x18'
TLS13_DRAFT25 = b'\x7f\x19'
TLS13_DRAFT26 = b'\x7f\x1a'
TLS13_DRAFT27 = b'\x7f\x1b'
TLS13_DRAFT28 = b'\x7f\x1c'
DTLS10_DRAFT = b'\x01\x00'
DTLS10 = b'\xfe\xff'
DTLS12 = b'\xfe\xfd'
GREASE_00 = b'\n\n'
GREASE_01 = b'\x1a\x1a'
GREASE_02 = b'**'
GREASE_03 = b'::'
GREASE_04 = b'JJ'
GREASE_05 = b'ZZ'
GREASE_06 = b'jj'
GREASE_07 = b'zz'
GREASE_08 = b'\x8a\x8a'
GREASE_09 = b'\x9a\x9a'
GREASE_10 = b'\xaa\xaa'
GREASE_11 = b'\xba\xba'
GREASE_12 = b'\xca\xca'
GREASE_13 = b'\xda\xda'
GREASE_14 = b'\xea\xea'
GREASE_15 = b'\xfa\xfa'